Hacking up Honda's ECU
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 Post subject: TurboEdit Release
PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:19 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am
Posts: 625
This will be the storage area for the version of TE that ive been working on. Please try it, and if you have any questions/comments/requests...please PM me.

The version I'm working on was started with v.2.5.2, and I'm not incorporating datalogging into it since I've been updating the ecucontrol plugin.

Refer to posts below for descriptions of updates.

also posted is the installer for v.2.5.2 incase your just starting...install v.2.5.2 if you havent and use the executable from below.

    Needs Testing:
    -4 bar MAP Support
    -Injector Calculations

    Tested and Working:
    -Extra Tables for NG Code (iat/ect enrichment)
    -Target Idle
    -Read ROM from Ostrich
    -CEL Code Enable/Disable
    -Customizable Increase/Decrease Increment
    -Ostrich2 RTP
    -Boost Cut
    -Single Maps for all NG Code

    To Do List:
    -Support for other MAP sensors
    -PK2 Support
    -Editable Closed Loop Target AFR (voltage)
    -Make completely scriptable :shock:

-added changeable baud rate for rtp
-added 920000 baud for the newer ostrich
-added a user selectable startup file similar to bre
-added a new bin "template" style startup; so if you have any stable bins that you use to start new basemaps you can put them in a seperate folder and browse to them automatically each time...for now as soon as you create a new bin it asks to save as so that you dont overwrite your file.

-please try the high speed rtp and let me know if it works...

feeling generous?
find the changes useful?
have a special request?
throw me a couple bucks to help pay for vb6...


or just donate to the cause @

Donation List :shock:
9/24/08 - PGMFI - $19
2/21/09 - guest0001 - $5
2/23/09 - esi42 - $10
3/25-09 - turboD15 - $5 & chipped PM6
4/6/09 - The Acid Beaver - $20
5/30/09 - sanimalp - $15
6/6/09 - - $10
10/6/09 - guest0001 - $2
11/27/09 - clwtwizted - $15
1/1/10 - guest0001 - $5
1/6/10 - Walterronny - $15
1/7/10 - kablammyman - $5
4/18/10 - Aragorn - $20
4/21/10 - singleslamhp - $20
5/14/10 - mazdarcing - $10
6/17/10 - fuse - PR3 ecu
8/2/10 - sophocha - $10
8/31/10 - oldmonte - $40
8/31/10 - a9turbo - $10
10/11/10 - jense - $10
10/21/10 - patprimmer - $20
2/3/11 - beboo - $30
2/12/11 - rich777 - $10
2/27/11 - gtpilot - $100
4/21/11 - steinar - $20
7/9/11 - generallee01 - $40
7/27/11 - BladeSoul - $20
10/5/11 - 90zcrex - $25
12/20/11 - RiB'$ - $30
3/9/12 - xsnsx - $75
3/27/12 - Zoltan - $50
8/6/12 - *anonymous - $5
6/8/13 - jbretthowell - $5
9/14/13 - shadow032 - $10
3/30/14 - riverrunner06 - $20
4/5/14 - DAQS - $10
10/13/16 - McAwesome - $20

See the following link for a complete installer for the latest TE: CLICK ME!
*Thanks to for the use of their ftp site...and to The Acid Beaver for setting things up :wink:

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Last edited by fastcrxsi90 on Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: TurboEdit Release
PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:07 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am
Posts: 625
welfarepc wrote:
ostrich v2 works at 920000 :D

if anyone has issues or has anything they would like to see implemented let me know...

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:12 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am
Posts: 625
-fixed boost cut properties.  enable/disable now writes to the rom.  i've changed the value from the raw decimal value to psig...the raw value written to the rom is calculated by which MAP sensor you have selected.

-changed the map sensor selection.  added formulas for stock and various Motorola sensors.

-added 4.0 bar MAP support.  Map scalars were calculated with the columncalc spreadsheet.

-changed the fuel injector calculation from the standard injectors to any injector size in cc/min or lb/hr.

-changed the toolbar and the rom properties dialog around a little visually.

-changed the new bin from version 3.1.1 to open files of type bnt (bin template).  included in the zip file are ng55, ng60 and ng61 bnt files to start new roms from.  you can also save as to a bin template so that all new bins are created exactly how you want.

nothing has been tested on a vehicle yet. please try this out, let me know if the boost cut works for you (the asm file says that it works, i just made it turn on and made the value understandable in TE). please dont blow anything up...i take no responsiblily for anything. i usually dont post anything without testing it first, but my car is away for the winter and i didnt want to sit on this for months.

if you run a certain map sensor and would like support for it based on TE and the logging plugins, please send me the data sheet for your particular sensor.

please give me some feedback on love to know if this is working for anyone besides myself.

i will be posting updates for the ecucontrol and logworks plugins based on the new map sensor calculations...that way map logging will work for other sensors besides stock. hopefully within the next week...

also included in the zip file is an updated API file...i added some stuff to the romReadInfo function (MAPBAR and MAPINFO).

*edit...already found an error. had a + instead of a - in the calcs for the 1.8 bar map, which caused some f'ed up errors. i fixed it and reuploaded it before anyone had a chance to download.

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 Post subject: Re: TurboEdit Release
PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:02 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am
Posts: 625
-fixed issue with saving bin created from template (.bnt)...should work fine now

when someone lets me know that 3.1.3 works now, i will remove 3.1.2....

the new board wont let me replace the file...can only delete or add. :?

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 Post subject: Re: TurboEdit Release
PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 8:25 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am
Posts: 625
gearhead98 wrote:
Turboedit, both 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, if I try to change the ROM properties more then a few times it gives me a run-time error '13' type mismatch pop up. Give an example of what I do to get that error.

Open Turboedit. Click the start new template button. Selected NG60.bnt, then clicked create. Clicked the Rom properties button. Deleted all the info in the comments area. Click ok. Click the Rom properties button again. Select Single Map and click ok. Click the Rom properties button again. Click On under o2 options, click ok, then I get the error.

this was due to an issue with changing to a single map


-fixed error with changing to single map vs. dual map
-added 16th row to single map views (obd0 ng code only)
-fixed ability to open p30 roms (needs alot more work, column values arent even shown yet)
-added ability to open pk2 roms (needs tons more work, if you want support and know where table locations are let me know)(values are bogus because i dont know locations of anything)
-i think thats about it...

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 Post subject: Re: TurboEdit Release
PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:22 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am
Posts: 625
gearhead98 wrote:
TE 3.1.4 single map
ok using the lastest version of turboedit that you added the first column of the boost map on a single map, i go to edit said column and it changes other cells on the map to weird values, go to change those, and they stay at whatever they were, ie they won't change.

Only effects fuel map, doesn't seem to effect the timing map for some reason. Just thought i give you a heads up on this.

ha...i tried to do something simple like just show the first boost column. i checked it out and if i show anything besides 15 columns or 30 columns the fuel multipliers turn to crazy values. i spent a few hours yesterday and looked through the code at what was causing this...and i've got it narrowed down but cant figure out why the crazy values are being calculated.

so for now...dont use the single map option with v3.1.4.

if i cant get this fixed i will either change back to the 15 columns for single map or always show 30 more single map/double map for ng roms. if you have an opinion, please let me know.

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 Post subject: Re: TurboEdit Release
PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2008 1:48 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am
Posts: 625
-fixed single/dual maps for ng roms so that all 30 columns show for everyone.  if you have an existing single map it will open as a dual map now...  i havent had time to figure out how to get anything besides 15 or 30 cols to show, and since i didnt get any feedback...i took natures course and went the easy way!
-fixed the injector calcs...bigger injector calculations were correct, smaller injector scaling is now correct also...
-added variable for map sensor selected so the rom properties window wont open when starting the logging plugins...if you look under the api file, it is the romReadInfo(MAPINFO) function.

please try this and let me know if there are any problems... i also wouldnt mind hearing if it works for you either, or if you have anybody out there? :?

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 Post subject: Re: TurboEdit Release
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 10:22 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am
Posts: 625
please dont use 3.1.5 or 3.1.4...when trying to get 16 columns for single map i changed a few things and forgot to change them back...

welfarepc informed me that the ignition maps get screwed up when you save and reopen a bin. i fixed the problem last night and will post a new version within a few days. sorry! :oops:

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 Post subject: Re: TurboEdit Release
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 6:56 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am
Posts: 625

-fixed problem with ignition maps not saving correctly...oops!
-fixed addresses under rom properties to show correctly (a few were mixed up)
-played around with some pk2 stuff, but didnt get very far

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 Post subject: Re: TurboEdit Release
PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:56 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am
Posts: 625
-added line graphs
-added 3d charts (use ctrl & mouse to rotate)
-added table/graph view (uses last graph used)
-included MSCHRT20.OCX (incase you dont have it)
-fixed 500 rpm weirdness on saving (obd0)
-table sizes are saved on exit
-added whole map smoothing (settings are under options)
-added map selection smoothing (right click also)
-disabled all the CEL functions that dont work...shiftlight says its implimented in ASM so i left it on for now
-added CEL removal under rom properties (1 is enabled, 0 is disabled)
-added additional PK2 support
-other behind the scenes stuff

if the tables wont load up put MSCHRT20.OCX into the system 32 folder or just put it in the same folder as this and any newer versions of TE.

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 Post subject: Re: TurboEdit Release
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:51 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am
Posts: 625
singleslamhp wrote:
I have a quick question about the newest release of turbo edit. Is there a way to adjust the amount of fuel increase or decrease from .25 when you hit either I or D. .25 is quite a bit when trying to dial in the map. I'd like to be able to adjust by .05. I couldn't find an option for it.

dohcef8si wrote: smoothing dont save

2.cel disable dont work

3. shift light dont work (ull u need to do i figure out how to get a rpm box there and i bet it will work.)

4. and see my thread about the RTP

-added check for update feature
-fixed map smoothing so that it actually writes to the ROM...
-added changeable I & D values under options
-added code for the tip of the day that never worked (please send me tips to be added, I will include your username if you want!)
-included a vbs file that will create a folder structure and include all the support files in the correct locations. since some people have trouble getting TE and the plugins to work, i think this is a good idea so that i can place the files were they should be.  change your shortcut to the new location if you use it.
-included more support files that are needed.

let me know if this works, i tested it...but that doesnt mean i caught everything...

just noticed that the Increase and Decrease doesnt work (I & D)...must be i forgot to save what i did. i will add it for the next version...

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 Post subject: Re: TurboEdit Release
PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:42 pm 

Joined: Tue Jul 27, 2004 2:30 am
Posts: 1352
Location: Jersey
Keep up the good work, there will always be a soft spot in my heart for TE :)

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 Post subject: Re: TurboEdit Release
PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:11 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am
Posts: 625
xenocron wrote:
Keep up the good work, there will always be a soft spot in my heart for TE :)

Thanks!! :D

-added ability to open a ROM from an Ostrich emulator
-fixed I & D keys
-fixed errors in tip of day form
-changed check for update on startup so that you can turn it off

looking through a bunch of different forums (hmt, d-series, turbod16, HT, etc...), i saw that some people were having issues with 3.1.8. hopefully that is fixed now, please let me know how 3.1.9 works if you couldnt get 3.1.8 to work for you.

to use teh open ROM from Ostrich:
1. connect your usb from the ostich
2. Key On-Engine Off (may work when car is running...i didnt try it)
3. press file>open ostrich rom
if ROM is openable in TE, then it should open. You can then save the ROM for safe keeping.

also, i just noticed the I & D buttons dont use the increment under options until you restart. the easiest things seem to be very hard lately!!! :roll: i'll fix it again, with the next release.

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 Post subject: Re: TurboEdit Release
PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:09 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am
Posts: 625
-restructured read from works if you have a rom open or not.
-added some license stuff to startup to cover my ass.  (you can click to not see it again...just want you to read it once)
-added code for target idle (ng62+ roms)
-added code for cold rev limit changeover temperature (ng62+ roms)
-added code for iat and ect enrichment multipliers with graphing (ng62+ roms)
-fixed issues with new rom folder
-made I & D button amounts changeable
-made RTP timers (send rom and open rom) editable under settings
-graphs are now updated with boost retard menu
-status bar shows status of RTP connection
-added ability to turn off stock AC routines under vtec menu (if not using ps9)
-fixed other misc errors/updates

i just tried the RTP stuff and it works fine on my car. i dont put the key in when i upload the rom...otherwise my main relay clicks twice and the cel comes on then off (but all versions do that for me). i verified that i can connect to rtp with key off, key on engine off and engine running. i did have an issue with the read from ostrich screwing up my iat/ect multipliers a few times...but couldnt figure out what the issue was. just verify that all your settings/maps look good before reuploading it.

there is a 2mb limit on uploads, so i only included an installer file. if you just want the exe, copy it from the directory shown on the installer.

look on the board for the ng62 download. i will post it when i get a few minutes.

*edit: i also included a plugin called ROMCalc, it will install in a folder called plugins. load this into TE and it should give you somewhat of a base to use for IAT compensation. it will also calculate a multiplier for you based on your current multiplier and target/actual AFRs.

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 Post subject: Re: TurboEdit Release
PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:28 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:53 am
Posts: 625
for the lucky 13 people who downloaded 3.1.10. i just replaced the file with an updated version with the following patches.

The Acid Beaver wrote:
-When I was playing around with all the buttons, the ones to select "cascade, horizontal, vertical," the buttons get "stuck" and won't change the views of the windows anymore
-I don't think I have EVER been able to change the speed at which the launch control disengages. Is this a ROM issue?
-An annoying thing is that whenever I pull up the ROM properties box, the windows "un-maximize"

these are now fixed, except for the windows un-maximize crap. that bothers me too, but i've spent too much time trying to fix it with no results...maybe in the future.

singleslamhp wrote:
Just installed and noticed you still need to restart before the I&D keys change to the new value. Looks good otherwise though.

this should be fixed now...i hope! :roll:

im closing out 3.1.10 and not doing anything else to it...anything else will have to wait for another release.

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