this TE plugin is used for support of the extras coded into the ng62/ng63+ ROMs.
the plugin itself is fully scriptable, so im hoping to never have to update the dll file...only updates to the script file as things progress.
install the plugin to your computer using the .exe file from below, then install the extratables.dll file into TE using the plugin manager.
-initial program release
-support for ng62 and ng63 only...
feeling generous?
find the changes useful?
have a special request?
throw me a couple bucks to help pay for vb6...($200)
or just donate to the cause @ pgmfi@pgmfi.orgDonation List
9/24/08 - PGMFI - $19
2/21/09 - guest0001 - $5
2/23/09 - esi42 - $10
3/25-09 - turboD15 - $5 & chipped PM6
4/6/09 - The Acid Beaver - $20
5/30/09 - sanimalp - $15
6/6/09 - - $10
10/6/09 - guest0001 - $2
11/27/09 - clwtwizted - $15
1/1/10 - guest0001 - $5
1/6/10 - Walterronny - $15
1/7/10 - kablammyman - $5
4/18/10 - Aragorn - $20
4/21/10 - singleslamhp - $20
5/14/10 - mazdarcing - $10
6/17/10 - fuse - PR3 ecu
8/2/10 - sophocha - $10
8/31/10 - oldmonte - $40
8/31/10 - a9turbo - $10
10/11/10 - jense - $10
10/21/10 - patprimmer - $20
2/3/11 - beboo - $30
2/12/11 - rich777 - $10
2/27/11 - gtpilot - $100
4/21/11 - steinar - $20
7/9/11 - generallee01 - $40
7/27/11 - BladeSoul - $20
10/5/11 - 90zcrex - $25
12/20/11 - RiB'$ - $30
3/9/12 - xsnsx - $75
3/27/12 - Zoltan - $50
8/6/12 - *anonymous - $5
6/8/13 - jbretthowell - $5
9/14/13 - shadow032 - $10
3/30/14 - riverrunner06 - $20
4/5/14 - DAQS - $10
10/13/16 - McAwesome - $20