I'm stuck. I'm pretty sure it's 64kb rom but I'm only getting a little past the half way point and it craps out
I'm reading the rom, starting at 0x8000 with command 82, 82, 00, 09, 00, 00, 80, 0c, 67 -> gives me a good read response [00, 80] being the address [0c] being the size of byte request but when I get up to, I'm assuming the upper half of the memory register where most of the maps are, it quits responding. The last working line is 82, 82, 00, 09, 00, EC, FF, 0C, FC -> gives a good response
my loops next line is 8282000900F8FF0CF0 -> no response
I can single step up to 8282000900F8FF08F4 -> responds
I'v tried 828200090100000CD3 828200091000000CD7 to get past 10000h and a bunch of combinations, but nothings gets a good response I'm new to this so hopefully it's something I'm doing wrong
I know there's more in there but I can't seem to figure out how to access it I understand there's a program mode, debug mode, and diagnostic mode. I'm pretty sure I'm in program mode as I've passed the "how are you" check. I've scoured pages of posts and can't find info to get me past this "reading" hurdle.
sos, help! I'm stuck :/