Poking around Stock P30_203 code, I found that the disassembler didn't touch this:
DB 0E5h,0F4h,0D5h,01Ah,0B5h,004h,098h,002h ; 02B2
DB 001h,067h,000h,001h,0F5h,055h,0C5h,056h ; 02BA
DB 00Bh,0CEh,00Ch,0C5h,006h,02Fh,0C5h,007h ; 02C2
DB 015h,0CAh,004h,0C5h,007h,098h,002h,052h ; 02CA
DB 0F2h,0D5h,051h,0E5h,0F2h,0A2h,008h,0B5h ; 02D2
DB 01Ah,08Ah,002h ; 02DA
I figured out that it actually WAS code, and assume maybe it is unused, so it was treated as a table?
Here's what I figured out so far..
; L A, 0f4h ; 02B2 DB 0E5h,0F4h
; ST A, IE ; 02B4 DB 0D5h,01Ah
; MOV PSWH, #00102h ; 02B6 DB 0B5h,004h,098h,002h,001h
; L A, #0100h ; 02BB DB 067h,000h,001h Seems odd to do this before loading a byte from the Serial Buffer..?
; LB A, SRBUF ; 02BE DB 0F5h,055h
; RB SRSTAT.3 ; 02C0 DB 0C5h,056h,00Bh
; JNE Label_02d1 ; 02C3 DB 0CEh,00Ch Did I understand the Address Translation correctly??
; MB C, ACC.7 ; 02C5 DB 0C5h,006h,02Fh
; CLRB ACCH ; 02C7 DB 0C5h,007h,015h
; JLT Label_02d0 ; 02CA DB 0CAh,004h Did I understand the Address Translation correctly??
; MOVB ACCH, #002h ; 02CC DB 0C5h,007h,098h,002h
; MOV DP, A ; 02D0 DB 052h
; LB A, [DP] ; 02D1 DB 0F2h
; STB A, STBUF ; 02D2 DB 0D5h,051h
; L A, 0f2h ; 02D4 DB 0E5h,0F2h
; RB PSWH.0 ; 02D6 DB 0A2h,008h
; ; 02D8 DB 0B5h,01Ah,08Ah,002h
the last group, however, I couldn't figure out...
it looks like a CMP A, ?? but I wasn't sure... Any ideas? Is it incomplete because the last byte was overwritten by new, current code??:
int_timer_2_overflow: L A, 0f4h ; 02DD 1 ??? ??? E5F4