Hi, new to site. Kind of a hardware guy but completely new to Ecu's but not traditional car mechanics stuff.
I have an 03 civic ex auto. As usual the ecu fried randomly new one is on order and so I'm trying to take this as opportunity to dig into the ecu as well as get car back up and running. One question is Immobility, seems it's not the fx or a0 separate boards as older Ecu's? Found from a vague source that IC240 holds that stuff and swapping it should work. I'd rather programmatically clone it. It uses spi/microwire interface. So I'm order a programmer and dump the contents of it and see if I can't get it into the reset mode? I see this post on instructables (but it's for Toyota/lexas)?
https://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Im ... Swapped-E/Additionally it seems like most of these things are using the same general type of microcontroller, and I've had a look at the data sheets. It seems it all stored internally on two different rom's? How are people dumping this, is the security bit not set and possible to read these roms?
Also some intel on the 37820-plr-l58 Ecu, Pgmfi has a bunch of other stuff too like bootloading firmware to it via two internal roms/user/serial/parallel modes etc.
Main Mcu data sheet
http://wikitest.pgmfi.org/pub/Library/6 ... 592_um.pdfThis high voltage transistor array delee: Power Transistor Array STA464C
Maybe controls altenator field signals F,L,C and possibly what grounded somewhere erroneously inside the ECU causing fault in first place??
https://datasheet.datasheetarchive.com/ ... 316233.pdf page:109
IC240 possible immobility eeprom
https://www.mouser.com/datasheet/2/348/ ... 774229.pdf