Hey Guys, my name is Caio. Im from brazil and im having a issue with my P30, it does prime the pump, have spark but no start i think it is the injectors not working, And yes i tested with another ecu and works fine! so its definitely a issue with my P30
Already changed all caps + qm1, qm2 but same issue, i was thinkin about changing ic17 (TA8903SN) but the only source i got was the china ones, so i ask, are they that bad? i mean i order 10 of them, maybe one of them may work? or u guys never seen any china one's work?
And could it be the IC17? Because the fuel pump primes... have anything in ic17 that "powers" the injectors?
And is there any way to test it without a car ou a ECU Tester? Thank you guys, i really wish i could save that P30!